is working 7 days a week legal

Once it grabs hold of you, it’s almost impossible to let go. 07-24-2009, 01:47 PM. In answer to the question you pose - how many days a week can I work legally - the answer is you can legally work every day of the week if you want to. I don’ t think I know a single ministry leader (or business leader for that matter) who hasn’ t struggled with working too many hours. The law does not require that the rest must be given every 7 days. An employer is permitted, upon joint request of its employees, to ask the Department to waive provision of the One Day of Rest in Seven Law in unusual circumstances. In the UK, the working time directive stipulates that you can't work more of 48 hours in a week averaged over 17 weeks. Under the Working Time Regulations, a worker must not work more than 48 hours a week on average. That means, that if you reach the 40 hour limit on Thursday, then overtime pay should kick in for any remaining hours worked. Every employee is entitled to one day of rest in 7. Sec. working more than the legal limit of 48 hours a week. If you are paid a salary rather than an hourly wage, you must work the number of hours agreed upon in your employment contract to receive your salary. Overtime Pay Overtime pay is money paid to an employee to compensate him or her for the additional time he or she must work when extra work is required. However, you cannot be forced to work more than 48-hours a week (on average) and you are entitled to breaks and rest periods between shifts. I’ve Reverted to Working 7 Days a Week. Close. And get help here: 7 day work week legal in Virginia? Working 2 jobs, 7 days a week, wondering if it's worth it? However, after 40 hours in a single week, the employer must pay overtime (time and a half) to non-exempt employees (usually hourly employees). Answers: SJZ, Member, New York Bar / FreeAdvice Contributing Attorney. Can an employer schedule you 7 days in a row? California overtime laws require non-exempt employees to earn one-and-a-half times their regular rate of pay when they work:. It makes them much more productive, healthy and balanced long term. Overtime pay will arises after the employee has completed 40 hours of work. Under California labor law, a “workday” or “day” means “any consecutive 24-hour period beginning at the same time each calendar day.” 7. This is his advice: "Under Regulations 11 (1) and (2) of the Working Time Regulations 1998 a worker is entitled to an uninterrupted rest of 24 hours per week or, at the employer’s choice, 48 hours per fortnight. It is impossible to answer your question without a lawyer reviewing the contract. Exception: Youth 14-17 years old are allowed to work 7 days a week in dairy, livestock, hay harvest, and irrigation during school and non-school weeks. Can my employer make me work 7 days a week without a day off? 02-10-2009, 06:43 PM. By contrast, in some blue-collar industries and occupations in New York State, a worker is entitled to enjoy 24 consecutive hours of rest in each calendar week. I do 12 hour shifts and have clocked 13 days once and was told by my boss I could not do the next day shift. being asked to do more than it's realistic to achieve in your normal working hours. The rule that your employer can’t require you to work more than six out of seven days doesn’t apply to common carriers in the train industry or employees needed in certain emergency situations. Upper management has already told us we will be working 7 days a week throughout August. For most adult workers, there are no limits on daily work hours. Their “One Day Rest in Seven Act” number is (312) 793-2804. 275:32 ). Is that legal in VA? This week, she tells the factory manager that she has also started working 20 hours a week in a cafe. 4y. The 5-2 medical technologists were important in providing continuity for the 7-7 teams. The break must be taken during working time (i.e. And I know far too many who never take a full day off. Up til recently, I have always work a 5 day week for around 40 to 44 hrs a week. He was on 750.00 salary per week. Late Days; Vacation & Sick Days; These make up the backbone of the American system of worker protection. Your Right to Time and a Half for the Seventh Day of Work in a Workweek. Studies show people need down time and breaks. He believes two days of weekend is too much for many people . Standard practice is one day off in a week but in case of manufacturing units where continuous work happens at times…9th day of work has to be compulsory off. My employer has made me work 7 days a week, no less than 8 hours a day and often up to 12 hours a day. Below are hours of work not be exceeded. 07-28-2005, 09:26 PM. No, working out seven days a week is not bad for your muscles. Working out every day without properly recovering is bad for you. In fact, you should work out every day. Or at the very least, you should engage in physical movement every day. Employees who work in factory or retail establishments must receive one day off (24 consecutive hours) per calendar week (Sunday through Saturday), unless an exception applies. Weekly on-duty limits were set at 60 hours in any 7 consecutive days or 70 hours in 8 consecutive days, depending on whether the carrier operated 7 days a week or less 20 (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 1999). Therefore, Irene’s statutory holiday entitlement for a full leave year is 22.4 days x 7.5 hours = 168.0 hours a year. At this age, they are limited to working up to three hours a day and up to 18 hours a week. So, an employer cannot require you to work more than six days out of seven. 12-Hour Shifts. At … Work on Sundays. Week-end days and public holidays are therefore not considered as working days. mickmars wrote: ». Adopt a 7-day schedule. In most of the world, the workweek is from Monday to Friday and the weekend is Saturday and Sunday . Andy8713. View Profile. Stat. Deducting Wages From Salaried Employees With few exceptions, primarily related to public sector workers, employers cannot deduct pay from an employee's paycheck for missing partial days. Employees can be required to work overtime. California: complies with federal law but also requires 1 1/2 times pay for the first eight hours in the seventh day of a work week. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not limit the number of hours in a day or days in a week any employee (salaried or hourly) may be required or scheduled to work, including overtime hours, if the employee is at least 16 years old. What the overtime pay laws dictate is how you must be paid for the hours worked. In your state, and in most (but not all) others, it is legal to require an employee to work 7 days a week. A “workweek” or “week” means any seven (7) consecutive days, starting with the same calendar day each week. The other is a retail job on Saturdays and Sundays, $10.50/hr, about 12-15 hrs per week. Employees who work more than eight hours in a day or 40 hours in a week must be paid time-and-a-half or double-time for overtime hours worked. A week begins at midnight between Sunday and Monday. I think working is like an addiction. Is this legal? I work production in a factory and I have not received a day off since Sunday, July 12. If demand temporarily declines, only work 6 days a week. During the summer, these regulations are relaxed, allowing teenagers to work up to eight hours a day to a maximum of 40 hours per week, with an end time of 9 p.m. Employees over the age of 18 do not have a legal limit on the number of hours they work in a week. Regarding hours worked. Tweet. By contrast, in some blue-collar industries and occupations in New York State, a worker is entitled to enjoy 24 consecutive hours of rest in each calendar week. We do have labor laws and there are rules that employers must abide by. Encourage staff to disclose information about their other jobs. Working 7 days a week? You need to see your managed and let them no. But if the nature of the work reasonably requires that the you work seven or more consecutive days, you have to get the equivalent time off in a calendar month to make up for the days you did not get off in the those … An employer may not ask an employee to work over the legal limit in order to make up time lost by a legal holiday (NH Rev. Adopt a 7-day schedule. Yes, it is legal for you to work more than seven days in a row without a day off. Seven Day Work Weeks are Not Allowed. NO one can keep a good man or woman down. These Are The Mental Tricks I Use To Stay On TrackTreat working out like a meeting that can’t be moved. Rain or shine, whether I feel like it or not, I work out (unless I’m sick). ...Save time by working out at home — in my case it’s five days a week. ...Live by the mantra that ‘something is infinitely better than nothing.’. ...Work to be mindful during exercise. ... Stat. It also deals with child labor, overtime pay requirements, and equal pay provisions. Employees who do not work more than 30 hours per week, or who do not work more than six hours in “any” day of the week, are exempt from these requirements. This will lower the workers' weekly pay to 36 hours. According to California Labor Code, Section 551, all California employees, regardless of occupation, are entitled to a least one rest day out of every seven days.. Working Time: How many consecutive days can workers lawfully work without a weekly rest break? Suggest you bring it into a lawyer and have him/her check it out. 480.12v ): An employer can required its employees to work 7 days a week all of the time or for a short period of time when necessary. One Day Rest In Seven Act (ODRISA) Provides for employees a minimum of twenty four hours of rest in each calendar week and a meal period of 20 minutes for every 7.5 hour shift beginning no later than 5 hours after the start of the shift. Unemployment Extension • Is it legal to work 7 days a week in CT?-----Our purpose is the importance of education in our society. The Wage and Hour Division enforces federal labor laws pertaining to work hours, such as: Federal minimum wage Overtime pay Recordkeeping Child labor requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Government Contractors The Wage and Hour Division also enforces labor requirements of the following: An employer can required its employees to work 7 days a week all of the time or for a short period of time when necessary. The legal weekdays (British English), or workweek (American English), is the part of the seven-day week devoted to working. Salaried employees also are entitled to overtime payment unless they come under one of the white collar exemptions. By. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal act that is sometimes referred to as the minimum wage law. Asked on November 17, 2011 under Employment Labor Law, Tennessee . If an employee is selected for redundancy or is dismissed for taking their entitled break period or paid holidays this could amount to Unfair Dismissal. In addition, there are several 12 and 16 hour "mandatory" overtime shifts ahead in the next week. For example, working only 3 days a week for 8 hours each workday is “part-time” because “full time” is traditionally 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. famousfaqs. Overtime pay will arises after the employee has completed 40 hours of work. That's 12 consecutive days, but still no more than six days in a calendar week. 13 June 2009 at 7:08PM. The State of Ohio has no laws pertaining to the amount of hours or days worked in a week. If you throw in a part-time job then it’s possible for you to literally work 7 days week regardless of shift hours or specialty. Overview. It is not illegal to work seven days a week and you can do it for the same. Salary employees may work 7 days a week and only receive their salary. Hourly employees can work 7 days a week but must be paid overtime for any hours over 40. I personally worked 14 hours a day 7 days a week for six straight months. The workweek can start on any day of the week. If the demand drops to a point where the organization only needs to work 5 days a week, they may have to eliminate the 4th crew since few employees will tolerate the 30 hour pay weeks. 12 hours in a workday, or; 8 hours on the seventh … 15/07/14 - 03:58 #12. Whether an employer can make you work seven days a week depends on your agreement when taking the job. By. Are 9 hour work days legal? Of course, some people may work during week-end days or public holidays but that is not the majority. But that does not mean that an employee cannot be required to work any more than six days in a row. This does not mean that the employee must work 45 hours per week normal time. All 7 days of the week are now considered working days. Working 8 hours a day, still leaves 16 other hours! The 7-7 schedule got us through some rough times. Are 9 hour work days legal? cbg Moderator Find all posts. Hey guys, I know it's legal and fine to work more than 7 days in a row casually, but I'm wondering, do you get double time for working more than 7 days in a row? The California Supreme Court delivered some good news for employers: The mandated day of rest must be given in a workweek, not on a rolling basis for any consecutive seven-day period. You might feel you're working too many hours if you're: having mental or physical health problems because of overwork. 16-17 years old. Answer: We are assuming that your job is not regulated by a state or federal agency. Colorado: requires that overtime is paid to those who work over twelve hours in a day Theoretically, employers may schedule employees to work seven days a week, 24 hours per day, so long as minimum wage and overtime laws are observed. However, this does not apply to the following drivers if their total driving time does not exceed 40 hours in any period of 7 consecutive days ( MI Stat. Not unusual to work more than 7 days in a row in some industries like retail and hospitality for example. Rather, suppose in week one an employee was off Sunday and worked Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Federal Laws about Hours Worked. My husband worked for a truck broker 14 - 16 hours a day from monday thru Saturday and had to work Sundays for 5 - 7 hours. -Ohio. That means, that if you reach the 40 hour limit on Thursday, then overtime pay should kick in for any remaining hours worked. 1 ANSWER. Any employer that requires an employee to work on a Sunday must provide the employee with 24 consecutive hours off in the following 6 days, or may face a fine ( NH Rev. However, after 40 hours in a single week, the employer must pay overtime (time and a half) to non-exempt employees (usually hourly employees). Employers can get permission from the Department of Labor to work their employees 7 days a week, but they can only do that a maximum of 8 weeks a year. Answer (1 of 10): If, you are working 12 hours a day without taking a break or lunch, I would say yes this practice would be illegal. 10. According to Congressman Mark Takano (D-Riverside) this would amount to a 10% increase in pay for employees. I don’t have any data to back this up but I think this is probably the more popular shift hours nurses work. The 12-day limit arises if an employee is required to work the last six days of one week and the first six days of the following week. The only caveat is that after 40 hours in a week you have to get OT. 1 attorney answer. I personally worked 14 hours a day 7 days a week for six straight months. Tracey works an average of 30 hours a week in a factory. Check it out. For most adult workers, there are no limits on daily work hours. Working Week Workers may agree, in writing, to work up to 12 hours a day without getting overtime pay. As long as you are of age, and want to work and can find work, you can work 24/7/365 and no one can stop you unless you are flying a plane. Texas relies on the federal FLSA to set basic labor laws like minimum wage and overtime. It's probably also good if you make a plan for ending working 7 days a week, I think you'll be less likely to burn out if … They are entitled to 48 hours rest in each 7-day period worked and a 30-minute break if they have worked more than 4.5 hours in any day. ; Employers also must pay double-time for non-exempt employees working more than:. It's not illegal to work 7 days but it might be for you. California law provides that employees are entitled to one day’s rest in seven and that no employer shall “cause” an employee to work more than six days in seven. His response: To stop working 7 days a week. An exception to this rule is for employees who do not work more than 30 hours in the week and no … Answer (1 of 5): Of course you can, but should you? You just have to find ways to squeeze the other things you care about in. For all organisations the key to avoiding this, and the wider legal risk, is to have as clear a view as possible of their employees’ working lives. I'm a consultant on a salary base job. It depends on your employment contract. 11th June 2016, 11:59 AM #3. And paid for it with my health. Her average working day is 30 hours divided by 4 days, or 7.5 hours per day. TUPE means exactly the same terms and conditions - Tell her to tell the boss. It is absolutely illegal and unethical to make someone work 7 days a week, 10 hrs a day. Workers working 7 days straight in a single work week must be paid overtime for their first 8 hours on the 7th day, and double time after 8 hours. The UK Working Time Regulations allow the legal maximum working hours limit of 48 hours per week to be exceeded in any one week as long as the average number of hours over 17 weeks (the reference period) does not exceed 48 hours per week. His employer verbally told him he would pay him extra money for working Sundays but he never did. Learn about overtime for employees under an averaging agreement. Re: can i work 7 days a week? April 9, 2022. However, you cannot be forced to work more than 48-hours a week (on average) and you are entitled to breaks and rest periods between shifts. April 9, 2022. They must be done with work no later than 7 p.m. during the school year. In a case that may be of particular relevance to boarding schools, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has provided clarity as to when an employer must provide a weekly rest period under the Working Time Directive (WTD). * 8 hours non-school days ** No later than 9 p.m. on more than 2 consecutive nights before a school day. What a life, I didn't envy him :P. Maybe working 6 days or 2 half days on top of the usual 5 can break it down a bit. The FLSA does not limit the number of consecutive days employees can work per week. Not all employees are eligible for overtime pay. You can’t work more than 48 hours a week on average - normally averaged over 17 weeks. But they have to pay you proper overtime if you're not exempt. The Department of Labor also enforces the law on behalf of employees. Coles you can't work more then 6 days in a row. Workers agreed to work "from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m., 7 days a week until further notice," and acknowledged that "any worker who fails to comply … My heart went out to him. However, Texas has enacted a narrow law forbidding employers from requiring retail workers to work seven days in a workweek. Any hours worked in excess of eight hours on the seventh day or any days that extend past 12 hours require double pay. It's legal for an employer to make you work as much as they want (except for some restrictions on child labor). Adult workers, there are several 12 and 16 hour `` mandatory '' overtime shifts ahead in next! You proper overtime if you 're not exempt pay to 36 hours of 48 hours a.! Than you is working 7 days a week legal is Fair work during week-end days or public holidays but that does not require that rest... 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is working 7 days a week legal